Fall And 5 Things To Be Grateful For

Fall has always been my favorite season. It is sublime, subtle and whispers of cozy evenings by the hearth complete with hot chocolate and whipping cream. There is the crisp, cool tinge in the air that signifies the end of summer while winter is still yet to come.

Fall, the twilight of the seasons, a marker that the days are shorter and the year is coming to a close.

Fall by Adeline Oh Velarde

As we soldier on into the future with time leading us in the march, I would like to turn my thoughts to the small things that make me smile and pause to give thanks. I will always be thankful and grateful for the people in my life, those closest to me, and those who are still with me today, along with the things in life that I sometimes take for granted, like a home.

This time, however, I want to focus on the little things, the things we don't always think are important, but will miss when we find ourselves unable to do them or have them.

My top 5 things are:

1.  Being outside and watching the breeze pick up leaves and toss them around. It is truly calming and fascinating to watch leaves swirl and dance to a song only they know the rhythm to,

2.  Breaking out into a run while out on a walk just because I can. Having been in lockdown makes me appreciate the freedom of being able to move around.

3. Saying no. Never take for granted your right and ability to say no freely. 

4. Being able to pick veggies from my kitchen garden. This is the first time in my life I have been able to get a harvest from what I have planted. This is a big deal!

5. Those days when there is nothing on the agenda. Cherish them!

And yes, let us not forget all things pumpkin flavoured and the smell of a real wood-burning fireplace!

Enjoy your autumn in all its glory.

Savour it.

Be present at every moment.

Truly pay attention.

Above all, love each other well.
